OU Poet Featured in Exhibition

Polly Stretton, long-standing chair of OU Poets is one of Worcestershire’s poets and artists personally invited by the organisers to take part in Breathless- Breathe More, an exhibition and performance at Script Haven in Worcester.

Breathless – Breathe More is a project supported by Bevere Gallery and Worcestershire LitFest, in which participants were invited to write / paint / create work to illustrate possible paths toward well-being in our stressful world. There were ten sub-themes: pause, breathe, oxygenise, breeze, calm, space, complete, rest, fire, meditate. Each sub-theme was interpreted by one poet and one artist, the theme being the title of their work.

The resulting pairs of works are displayed next to each other at Script Haven and are available to view until the 30th June.  Visitors will be asked to choose their favourite artwork and favourite poem. The two winners will be awarded a prize and featured on social media after the end of the exhibition.

If you’re in Worcester, give Script Haven a visit and look out for Polly’s work!

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