
OU Poets is a poetry group for students and staff, past or present of the Open University, Milton Keynes UK with around 80 members.

Like other poetry groups, we submit poems to be read and constructively commented on by other members. We do this by post, via email, on our public Facebook page and closed Facebook group for members only, we use Twitter and we meet to discuss our poems and love of poetry at least once a year. We are scattered all across the country, with some in Ireland and other parts of Europe. Our magazine (for members only) contains poems, criticisms and comments and is issued five times a year.

At the end of the year members’ vote for the poems they have most enjoyed from that year’s magazines, and the most popular appear in Openings, our anthology, which has been an annual event for over twenty five years.

Membership is for any student or member of the staff, past or present, of the Open University, who has an interest in poetry. If you fulfil these criteria, you are welcome to apply for membership on our Membership Page.

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